Crypto Beginners Guide / Bitcoin Beginners Guide When sending Bitcoin , it can be easy to make a small mistake causing you to want to cancel your Bitcoin transaction. Oftentimes, funds can become stuck if the miner fee you enter isn’t high enough for any miner to confirm your transaction. Unfortunately, the steps to cancel a Bitcoin transaction are a little more complicated than just pressing an “Undo” button. In this brief guide, I’ll walk you through the process to cancel an unconfirmed Bitcoin transaction. Has your transaction been confirmed? The first step in canceling your Bitcoin transaction is to check whether or not it has any confirmations . When you made your transaction, you should have gotten a transaction ID that looks something like this: 240615b6ab59a5adb19ba52cb969aeb16ff82d2082b7a72cb2912c5d38c297cf Take your transaction ID and enter it into a block explorer. is a great option. On the ...
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