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Showing posts with the label Uranium

US Confirms It Used Depleted Uranium in Syria

Washington admits it used one of the worst weapons imaginable in Syria, despite earlier promises that it wouldn't You don't want to see what depleted uranium does to human beings. Depleted Uranium is left over from the enrichment of uranium 235. It is exceptionally hard, and has been employed by militaries both to penetrate armored targets and to reinforce their potential targets like tanks against enemy fire. Though less radioactive than the original uranium, DU is toxic and is considered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to be a “radiation health hazard when inside the body.” The weapon saw widespread use in the First Gulf War, and its affects on the health of U.S. soldiers was later dubbed "Golf War Syndrome". (At least it was semi-recognized; the severe birth defects and other health issues this weapon has caused among the Iraqi population have simply been ignored or denied). This disgusting weapon was used again by the Americans  during their "l...