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GETTY IMAGES DONALD TRUMP IS promising to make America great again by keeping others out. That approach is already undermining the smidgen of tentative good will he had enjoyed from the tech industry. As a strategy for keeping jobs in the US, it’s also fatally flawed. Turns out that in a world connected by the internet, isolationism is just a glitch in the network that the system—in this case, the global economy—routes around. In the days since Trump signed his executive order limiting immigration from certain countries, tech employees who work in the US but were stuck outside the country have stayed in touch via email, videoconferencing, social media, and chat programs like Slack. In 2017, most of the day-to-day work that high-tech employees do takes place entirely on computers. Whether that computer is on Google’s campus in Mountain View or an airport in Tehran is largely irrelevant. RELATED STORIES Doctors and Patients Reel After Trump’s Immigration Ban Trump’s Ban Isn’t ...

London Science Museum showcases robotic evolution

A London museum is surveying five centuries of robotic developments to learn about the societies they come from. London’s Science Museum is exhibiting some 100 robot models, ranging from a 15th century automaton to cutting-edge humanoids that are capable of expressing emotions. Organizers of the show called “Robots” consider it a chance to both depict and tackle misconceptions and fears of robots while studying their evolution through time. The robots are either borrowed, purchased or donated from personal collections and only 16 of them are fully functional. But curators expect something beyond operational machines from their show. “Robots” will go on until September the 3rd. However, more sensitive items such as a 244 year-old working swan will be featured for a limited time to maintain their upkeep.

France's Le Pen launches election bid with vow to fight globalization

France's far-right party leader Marine Le Pen on Sunday told thousands of flag-waving supporters chanting "This is our country!" that she alone could protect them against Islamic fundamentalism and globalization if elected president in May. Buoyed by the election of President Donald Trump in the United States and by Britons' vote to leave the European Union, Le Pen's anti-immigration, anti-EU National Front (FN) hopes for similar populist momentum in France. With hitherto favorite Francois Fillon, a conservative, embroiled in scandal over his wife's job, and rising centrist star Emmanuel Macron as yet untested, Le Pen's FN says it can thwart polls that see her losing in a second round run-off. "What is at stake in this election ... is whether France can still be a free nation," Le Pen told supporters at her campaign launch rally. "The divide is not between the left and right any more but between patriots and globalists." In 144 "...