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Showing posts with the label programming

Introducing a Programming Language so Simple, It “Fits on a T-shirt”

Blockstream  Blockstream is  introducing Simplicity , a new programming language for blockchain-based smart contracts, intended for inclusion in Blockstream’s sidechains and eventually in Bitcoin. The new language was presented by its creator, Russell O'Connor, Infrastructure Tech Developer at Blockstream, at the ACM SIGSAC Workshop on Programming Languages and Analysis for Security ( PLAS 2017 ). "Simplicity is a blockchain programming language that is so simple, it fits on a t-shirt,” O'Connor told  Bitcoin Magazine . “It is critical that smart contracts behave in ways that all participants expect, and applying formal verification to Simplicity allows us to achieve that.” Simplicity is still a Blockstream Research & Development project, but there’s potential for its use in Blockstream products in the future, according to the company’s announcement. “Simplicity is flexible enough that I anticipate many new, domain-specific, languages will generate Simplicity, an...

What to Do If You Were Affected by the Equifax Hack 

Updated : Equifax’s  “security incident” earlier this week  affected 143 million Americans. That’s a huge number of people, which means that the chances that either you or someone you know being affected are pretty high. Equifax’s site was even providing positive results for fake social security numbers at one point. If you were one of the millions affected by the attack, then you have to figure out what to do next. CNET put together  a pretty good step by step  for people. Here are a few of its suggestions: Enroll in TrustedID Equifax is offering  a free year of TrustedID to everyone. The credit monitoring service “includes 3-Bureau credit monitoring of Equifax, Experian and TransUnion credit reports; copies of Equifax credit reports; the ability to lock and unlock Equifax credit reports; identity theft insurance; and Internet scanning for Social Security numbers.” Equifax faced a bit of backlash via social media when it made the offer, one because you h...

7 Ways to Bypass Android's Secured Lock Screen

HOW TO: If you somehow forgot the pattern, PIN, or password that locks your Android device, you might think you're out of luck and are destined to be locked out forever. These security methods are hard to crack by design, but in many cases, it's not entirely impossible to break into a locked device. There are several different ways to hack a locked Android smartphone or tablet, but unfortunately, there's not a one-size-fits-all method. So below, I'll go over 7 of the most effective methods, and hopefully one will help you get back into your device. Method 1Use Android Device Manager For newer Android phones and tablets, a service called  Android Device Manager  is probably your best bet. As long as you're logged into your Google account, you can use any device or computer to access the service, which is available at  this link . As counterintuitive as it may sound, start by clicking the "Lock" button once Android Device Manager gets a fix on your devi...

HOW TO HACK WI-FI Get Anyone's Wi-Fi Password Without Cracking Using Wifiphisher

 hackers! Do you need to get a Wi-Fi password but don't have the time to  crack it ? In previous tutorials, I have shown how to crack  WEP ,  WPA2 , and  WPS , but some people have complained that cracking WPA2 takes too long and that not all access points have WPS enabled (even though quite a few do). To help out in these situations, I present to you an almost surefire way to get a Wi-Fi password without cracking— Wifiphisher . Steps in the Wifiphisher Strategy The idea here is to create an  evil twin AP , then de-authenticate or DoS the user from their real AP. When they re-authenticate to your fake AP with the same SSID, they will see a legitimate-looking webpage that requests their password because of a "firmware upgrade." When they provide their password, you capture it and then allow them to use the evil twin as their AP, so they don't suspect a thing. Brilliant! To sum up, Wifiphisher takes the following steps: De-authenticate the user from thei...

How to Boost Your Credit—or Build it Up From Nothing

Now that you know  how credit works , you probably want to know how to make it work  better . While nothing is better for your credit than paying your bills in full and on time, there are ways to give it a boost. Like it or not,  credit matters . It’s also complicated. In our “Everything You Need to Know About Credit” series, we’re breaking down the basics. When a lender or landlord looks at your credit, they’re not just looking for a three digit number, they want to know how you actually handle credit. That’s why your credit report is more important than your score. That said, your score matters, too, and the good news is, there are shortcuts for boosting it in a relatively short amount of time. And if you don’t have credit at all — let’s say you’re a teenager about to start college — your biggest focus should be on building up a credit history. That way you can apply for student loans, apartments, and make sure you  aren’t gouged on bills . Here are some options...

Programmer: Teach Yourself How to Code

    PROGRAMMING You've always wanted to learn how to build software yourself—or just whip up an occasional script—but never knew where to start. Luckily, the web is full of free resources that can turn you into a programmer in no time. Since the invention of the internet, programmers have been using it to discuss software development techniques, publish tutorials, and share code samples for others to learn from and use online. If you're curious about how to become a programmer, you can get off to a running start using tons of great free web-based tutorials and resources. First Things First: Don't Get Hung Up on Choosing a Language A common pitfall for beginners is getting stuck figuring out which programming language is best to learn first. There are a lot of opinions out there, but there's no one "best" language. Here's the thing: In the end, language doesn't matter THAT much. Understanding data and control structures and design patterns does ma...

explore Google’s Knowledge Graph results, featuring Donald Trump

Tony Edward  By now the majority of searchers on Google are familiar with the Knowledge Graph box, which appears on the right side of the search results page and highlights information about various entities (companies, people, places, things and so on). In the past, I’ve written about how to both  obtain  and  optimize  a Knowledge Graph result. In my attempts to learn more and get a better understanding of Google’s Knowledge Graph, I’ve discovered some cool hacks and tricks. While these tricks do not have any significant practical implications, they can serve as a way to better understand how Google’s Knowledge Graph works, which can be used to optimize your personal or company Knowledge Graph results. Before getting into the tricks, let’s break down some important items. For the examples below, I used Donald Trump. Google Knowledge Graph API The  Google Knowledge Graph API  is a tool ...