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Showing posts with the label Bitcoin Mining

Regulatory in U.S. Hinders FinTech Growth

U.S. FinTech investments in 2016 reached  $4.27 billion  illustrating that the financial technology sector in the country is continuing to grow at a significant pace. However, with this amount of FinTech investment you would naturally assume that the U.S. is one country where the topic of regulation is not an issue, reports  Tech Crunch . And yet, that’s not the case. According to a report from  Reuters  in 2016, investments declined by around 30 percent in the U.S. even if the nation did still manage to bring in over $4 billion. However, while the U.S. is producing FinTech companies that are lucrative to investors, a report undertaken by the Treasury of the U.K. [ PDF ] found that the U.S. ranked last and second-to-last when it came to regulatory regimes, government programs, and taxation. When mentioning regulators, the report references The Department of Business Oversight in California and the Department of Financial Services in New York and says: Engagement wit

The US Needs Urgent Unified Bitcoin Regulation

Executive Brief The US regulation of digital currencies is out of date, impractical, and damaging to a potentially lucrative economy. The lack of unity in state regulations has created an unworkable system that makes the operations of Fintech (Financial Technology) companies complicated and confusing. A unified and clear regulatory policy would clear these muddy waters and benefit the digital currency industry, and have a positive impact on the American economy as a whole. Read the full story below.  The US Once Led the Bitcoin Revolution Every country is feeling their way through this relatively new digital currency, but America was initially proactive in the digital currency industry. For example, the US Senate was the first to conduct hearings on Bitcoin in 2013. The IRS was the first to release information on taxes in relation to Bitcoin, and FINCEN (Financial Crimes Enforcement Network) was the first crime agency to make any reference to the digital currency.


After buying up digital currency transfer company PayCash, Daimler has signaled it may use digital currency to build up its presence in Africa. DAIMLER: ‘CLEAR SIGNAL OF FURTHER AFRICAN GROWTH’ The continent is providing huge demand for transport networks, yet businesses are continually faced with financing problems, the vehicle giant  told  industry magazine Autconomy this week. “We are already present in over 30 marketplaces in Africa and are still expanding both our product range and our service operations network,” said a spokesperson. “This is a clear signal that we expect further growth in Africa.” The scale of under access to financing means in developing economies is staggering. Two billion individuals and 200 million companies lack suitable support, Autconomy says, giving a clear advantage to digital currency-based alternatives, which businesses can use to cut out hungry middlemen. When Daimler  quietly purchased  Luxemburg-based digital currency transfer ope

Bitcoin Is About Financial Sovereignty But Not Speed

Eric Lombrozo, a Bitcoin core developer, believes that bitcoin is about monetary independence and freedom, instead of offering a centralized settlement network which already serves because the backbone of today’s international economic environment. During the last two years, various bitcoin communities, analysts and specialists have debated on the characterization of bitcoin, especially whether bitcoin demonstrates the qualities of a settlement network or virtual gold. Since the preliminary deployment of the bitcoin network, Bitcoin core creators and different abilties in the open source improvement community of bitcoin have focused on strengthening security measures to remove the presence of a government in the bitcoin network and ensure the network itself will not be compromised in the future. The prioritization of safety rather than flexibility and capability as seen in opportunity failed blockchain initiatives allowed bitcoin to prosper and evolve into a decentralized

CoinVert is becoming the Preferred Platform of Instantly Exchanging Cryptocurrencies by Offering the Best Rates in the Market

The powerful and user-friendly CoinVert makes use of an isolated and highly secure system to give users everything they need 24/7 for instantly exchanging 20 major cryptocurrencies with more added each month. The platform prides itself on having a fee between 0.1% while providing better exchange rates than all major competitors like ShapeShift or Changelly. was conceived in 2015 and launched in May 2016 as an instant cryptocurrency exchange platform. Currently Bitcoin, Litecoin, Monero, Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, ZCash, BitCrystals, BitShares, Dash, DigixDao, Dogecoin, Factoids, Lisk, MaidSafeCoin, Namecoin, Nxt, Peercoin, Steem, Counterparty and Ripple can be exchanged instantly and securely. CoinVert keeps customer privacy in mind, no account or personal information is requested to complete an exchange. The digital exchange platform never stores client data. “We launched the service over a year ago with a very clear aim: to always have the lowest fee in the whole marke

How Votem Intends to Democratize Democracy Through Blockchain Technology

Electronic voting is by no means new. In one way or another, non-paper-ballot voting has been going on for decades. It should surprise no one that there have been instances of severe security breaches in more than one jurisdiction. The HBO documentary “Hacking Democracy” covers this in detail. Cryptocurrency enthusiasts know there is a good solution to the problem of compromised electronic voting. The ledger that underpins Bitcoin, the blockchain, is perhaps the most secure design ever seen. Pete Martin, founder and CEO of  Votem , a veteran of SAP consulting, went to a business conference a few years ago in which the speaker challenged his audience to come up with an idea that would positively impact 1 billion people. “I sold my consulting business and was seriously thinking about getting into state politics,” he stated in interview to CCN. “A lot of people around me said, you know, at the end of the day, Pete, you’re an entrepreneur, you’re not a politician. So, you know, if that’s